Our youth group put on a Valentine's Dinner for the audults in our church. It was a great night filled with lots of fun and lots of hard work. This is a picture of me, in the kitchen, holding a plate of the chicken parmesan. Looks good, doesn't it?! Marnie was our expert adviser and there was lots of help from all the teens. It was a busy night, but everything went fairly smoothly! No really catastrophies to speak of, thank goodness! I had to remind myself that I wasn't at camp and so I shouldn't expect any major disasters! Haha! J/K
If you're wondering what that silly thing is that I'm wearing, it's one of the church's nifty aprons... except I'm wearing it backwards! I didn't realize it until Pastor Kevin pointed it out to me when the night was almost over. I wondered why the neck felt so tight, but I hadn't even noticed that the pockets were in the back! Haha!
Looks good! Want to come cook for an 8 1/2 month pregnant woman???
Hey Stacey!
You are definitely the gorgeous-looking one in that picture! haha I really like your blogger address... a good quote from one of your heros. May we both continue to learn to give up what we cannot keep to gain what we cannot lose! Yikes... that's quite the challenge isn't it?!? I might actually have to loosen up my grip on the soon-to-burn straw of this world! Dear Stacey, you are my adventuresome mentor, perhaps akin to Anne of Green Gables?:) But I don't want to puff you up at all... I've got to live with you for 2 months this summer! hehe J/K. As you go to Haiti, may you find yourself empowered by God to do things that only He can do for His glory. Rememebr:
1 Corinthians 2:4-5
My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit's power, so that your faith might not rest on men's wisdom, but on God's power.
May you know God's power to communicate effectively with your little charges!
See you soon, FCC Roomie!
Because He loved me first,
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