Birthday Party!

We sang Happy Birthday and they kids all stood around the little table and blew out the candles. It was so much fun! Then we played with them on the balcony (this is the balcony at the main house, the nursery). They had a blast and it was sooo much fun to be a part of it!!!

OK. What is this... why aren't people posting comments anymore??? Are my posts that boring? Haha!
Seriously though, I could use some feedback!
Hey Stacey!
I love reading your blog... I check it everyday to see if you've written lately! The kids you are working with sound so sweet.. I want to come down to Haiti and work with them too!!! The pictures I have seen are great, and this website was an awesome idea to keep in touch with people! I'm praying for you!
Keep smiling lots! :)
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