Today was a really fun day! We decided to round up a few of the older kids, from the Toddler House, and take them on a walk to a nearby waterfall. When I say nearby, it was actually about a forty minute walk, straight downhill on the way there, and straight uphill on the way back. We were all pretty exhausted by the time we got back and most of the kids ended up being carried, but it was so much fun, and well worth the effort!

Here's a picture of me with the kids. The waterfall really wasn't that big, but it was so much fun anyways... and we were so hot and sweaty by the time we got there... it made it that much more fun! In this picture, Daphne is putting her hand in the waterfall and making the water spray all over us. We were all just soaked to the bone, but it was so hot out, that it was really refreshing!

Here is a picture of me with 'My Noodjie' (that's her name). We had a lot of fun together today. She just loves the water, and she really liked it when Daphne was splashing us with the water fall and getting us soaked. It was so much fun to see all the kids having so much fun today!
There's a team here from Florida, for the week, so they all came with us. It's been really nice having so many people around. There's also a couple families here picking up their children: one from Holand and one from France. It's nice to be able to meet people from all over the world! There are a lot of people always coming and going through GLA. My roommates, Trish and Melissa, went home a couple weeks ago, and now I have two roommates, Daphne from New York and Beth from Saskatchewan. We've had a lot of fun together. A couple other people from the room next to me have gone home too, but then Candace came from Manitoba and Leah from Saskatchewan. I really do enjoy meeting so many people and developing some really good friendships! I'm so glad God made the body of Christ so big!!!
That looks like so much fun! Our kids always like doing that at Rock Glen. But the water is probably much colder here. Everyone looks like they are having a grand time. I am so glad that you can get out so much and not be locked behind the gates at GLA. What a wonderful way of making new friends.
Thought I would let you know that an other family from Thedford is interested in adopting from Haiti. Hooray!
Wow, that looks like fun!!!! water and kids...ya can't go wrong with that one:) Hey thanks for that card that you sent me! It made me laugh so hard and it was definelty a great stress reliever:) Thanks for making my day. I'll email ya later. Only a month to go! time flies eh? Hope all is still good with you.. looks like your having fun. Luv ya girly!
Hi Stacey
This waterfall reminds me of Pueto Rico and being in the rainforest there and seeing people laughing in the cool refreshing waters.
May many be refreshed and encourage who come to minister, or pick up children or are just at the orphanage. How wonderful to meet people from various places of GOD's KINGDOM!!
Blessings on you!!
Miss you.. enjoy every moment of your time there!
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