This is a picture of me with Luka, one of our pastor's daughters at Haiti ARISE. She is one of the many kids at church that latch onto me every time they see me. I guess you could say that I'm never really lonely! lol

I decided to post a picture of our church, here at Haiti ARISE. It’s really not much of a building, just a tin roof on sticks with some wooden benches inside, but there’s a real heart of worship in their services! It always brings me such joy when I worship with the believers there. I love seeing people so desperately crying out to God, with such a deep understanding that He’s all they have. I have to admit, a huge part of me longs for the churches in North America to learn to worship the Lord the ay the Haitians do here!

It’s been a crazy and busy couple of weeks since the last time I made a blog entry. There was a work-team down from Washington state last week, so it was nice to see some more white people, and to spend time getting to know them while they were here. I’ve posted a picture here of us at the beach, with the team. It’s pretty amazing that people at home will pay big money to exfoliate their skin, and we just do it for free with the wet, salty sand at the beach!
This past week was mid-terms at school, so I was incredibly busy writing the tests, as well as marking them all and still preparing lessons and teaching classes at the same time. I’ll be honest, I’m pretty tired. I’m finding that juggling five classes, with approximately seventy students in total, is very exhausting! Please continue to pray that God will give me His strength to teach and prepare my lessons well, so that He will be glorified in it!
hey look - it's me!! and us!! :) hehe...
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