Eating Mangos

A national pastime, eating mangos has become almost a daily routine for me. There are several mango trees on the property where the church and school are located, and so instead of going to Tim Horton's after class, we just sit around and eat mangos. Hatians can easily eat ten mangos at a time, but the most I've mastered so far, in one sitting, is six.
This picture is of me with my Haitian brother, Ronald, who lives with us. It's always great to have the Haitians around to show me how things are really supposed to be done! lol
Believe it or not, I've actually started eating mangoes too! Only, my consumption of them is likened more to cheescake than Tim Hortons Coffee.
I can just imagine you now, furrowing your brow & wrinkling theright lip of your mouth up and saying, "What? Peanut, I really didn't get that?". To which I would probably insensitively reply, "So. It WAS probably too far of an extension off of your analogy, but I don't care."
Oh dear. I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better. Keep up God;s work in His strength. A Donut Man song that I recall from Cubbies says it best: "If you're going to get tired about just one thing, don't get tired of doing good!"
A big hug
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