Today was the day that my church prayed for me and comissioned me off to Haiti. It is always very comforting to know that I am never going on a mission trip alone. I always have the assurance that God is going with me, but it is also very encouraging to know that there is an army of prayer warriors back in my home church that is praying for me. I especially appreciate this reasurrance during the times, on mission trips, when I feel tired and discouraged. Those times are bound to come for me while I'm in Haiti, but I know that God is with me and that He has laid it on the hearts of so many people to be praying for me. I truly appreciate the support of all my family and friends.
In the picture above, you can see me standing with Hilda Cornell, the organizer of the 'Willing Hands' group (from my home church in Forest, Ontario) that meets to make quilts, afghans, sweaters and hats for charitable causes. Here, we are holding up two of the quilts that the 'Willing Hands' group is sending with me down to God's Littlest Angels Orphanage in Haiti. Praise God for those willing hands!
Get to see your blog, to read it and to know that we will be able to stay in contact with you while you are in HAITI!! What a wonderful opportunity you will have to share the love of JESUS with these little ones... just to know that someone cares and loves them will mean sooooo much to those who don't know the love of a family!
So glad to be a part of the FAMILY of GOD where HE supplies us with those arms of love, those who become our parents or our brothers and sisters, because of the bond that we have in the LORD JESUS!
Have a great trip...we pray for safety as you go.. but know that many of us are praying and will be remembering YOU. Remember to be flexible.... we don't know what the day will hold, but PRAISE GOD, we know the ONE who holds us! Be open to all that the Father has for you... and be willing to be use of HIM to His glory!
Blessings on you ... Go in His power and strength! Let me close with these words which are dear to me soul. May they be an encouragement to you as well.
"O God, YOU are my GOD, earnestly I seek YOU; my soul thirsts for YOU, my body longs for YOU, in a dry and weary land where there is no water. I have seen YOU in the sanctuary and beheld Your power and Your glory. Because Your love is better than life, my lips will glorify YOU. I will praise YOU as long as I live, and in Your Name I will lift up my hands. My soul will be satisfied as with the richest of foods; with singing lips my mouth will praise YOU. On my bed I remember YOU: I think of YOU through the watches of the night. Because YOU are my Help, I sing in the shadow of Your wings. I stay close to YOU; Your right hand upholds me." Psalm 63:1-8
Hey Stacey!
It's awesome you made this blog up... it's a great way to keep us all up to date!!!
I hope you have a safe trip to Haiti! I am praying for you!
Dear Stacey,
I was talking to Hudson mom and she is looking forward to hearing how he is doing. She will be praying for you as well.
We are excited to hear about our boys. Make sure you give them a hug from us. And tell them we love them and how much we want to be with them. Bless you for taking the gifts to them. We are praying for Haiti.
hi Aunt Stacey its mariah.
I saw ur blogger and it sounds like u r having fun. When i read it i wanted to be there with u wearing shorts, t-shirts and seeing the orphens.and no i didn't forget about u, as a matter a fact i told all of my friends that my aunt stacey was in haiti today in Geography. They were pritty amazed.
Well i have to leave for youth group.Have a good time and tell cool storys about me to the orphens. Stay safe, love u
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