Toddler House Kids
These are some of the kids from the Toddler House. You can see Jelitan in the back, peeking out from behind one of the girls in the middle. Jelitan is one of the boys that is being adopted by the Adair family from my church at home. He's such a character! He always runs up to me for a hug and a kiss, every time I walk through their play area. Then that starts all the other kids running up for kisses. Some of them pucker their lips so big that I can see right into their mouths! Haha! I've gotten some very wet kisses!

These are some of the older girls at the Toddler House. They're so much fun to be around because they're so enthusiastic about just about anything! Yesterday, I told one of the girls that I would paint her fingernails. Ten girls later, I ended up telling the rest of the girls that they would have to wait for another day! Apparently, the word that I was painting nails travelled quickly and the girls had been telling all their friends to come up on the balcony to have their nails painted too! The girls were so proud of their newly painted fingernails, but they didn't seem to understand that they weren't supposed to let anything touch their nails until the polish had dried. Needless to say, I probably painted each girl's nails about three times!

Hi Stacey,
We want you to know how precious this sight is to families watching, waiting and praying for their little ones to come to them. We hang on every word and discription of what is going on and things as you see it. You make it so very personal. You have made our day with this photo of Jelithan and I know you have made other families jump with joy and shed tears of anticipation. Thank you for the personal letters and photos as well.
Bless you in the work God has called you to do.
We keep you in our prayers!
With Love!!!!
You are a blessing to us.
Stacey...the kids are adorable! Oh so cute! I love the pictures. You must be getting some excellent practice at painting nails! :)
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