Good Friday in Haiti
Well, we didn't go to church today, because we were all taking care of our kids, but our church in Port au Prince did have a Good Friday service today. Good Friday is remembered all over Haiti, both by Christians and also by the voodoo worshipers. The voodoo worshipers celebrate the death of Jesus with what are called 'Rah Rah bands'. Basically, it's just a bunch of people who walk down the road, playing instruments. A few of them start out and as people see them walk by, they just join in the fun. The one's I've heard don't sound very good though. They play all kinds of instruments... trumpets, drums, and whatever else they find lying around. I don't think there's much order to their music either. It sounds like they just sortof play whatever. I'm told the 'Rah Rah' bands go on all year long, but more so during the season of Lent, and definitely mostly on Good Friday. Our Creol teacher didn't come today because he thought it would be difficult to travel, with all the 'Rah Rah' bands on the streets. When we were up on the balcony at the main house today, we could see quite a big procession down in the valley. It was quite a big 'Rah Rah' band. It's sad to think that people are celebrating the death of Jesus, but at the same time, it gives me such peace to know that my Jesus rose again and that it's because He lives that I have a purpose for living! On Sunday, I know that it'll be us Christians who are celebrating and I'm glad to know that we'll be celebrating something much more exciting than death!
As a side note, I thought I'd share with you something one of my roommates said to me today. I have a tendency to talk in my sleep and apparently a few nights ago, I was talking in Creol while I was sleeping! Haha! I guess I've come a long way in Creol and I am able to converse with the Haitians now. This makes it much easier for me, since most of them don't speak English. I still have a lot to learn, but I'm getting lots of practice with the kids and the nannies at GLA! :o)
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