School Kids

The kids, in this picture, are going to a school that's only about a five minute walk from GLA. We often see them walking down the road and when I take my kids for walks, the school kids always like to stop and say hi. Sometimes they even walk with us and they always tell me that my baby is beautiful... and of course I always agree!
There aren't any public schools here though, only private schools, so there are still a lot of kids that don't go to school, because their parents don't have the money to send them. Some of these kids like to hang around outside our gate and talk with us whenever we come out. It's really nice to be able to walk through the neighbourhood and have people calling out my name! Word spreads fast around here and often people I've never seen before will know who I am because someone else told them they'd met a white girl with red hair named Stacey. I definitely feel a part of the neighbourhood here. The people are used to seeing me out with my kids and are always friendly and stop to say hi and ask me how I'm doing. I've definitely been able to establish some pretty cool relationships with the people here and I look forward to seeing them every day... I know I'm going to miss them when I go home!

It sounds like you are quit comfortable in your surroundings.
God is Good!
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