My Students

We've had some really good discussions in class this week. As I've mentioned in a previous post, we study a Scripture verse at the beginning of each class. One of the verses we discussed this week was Galatians 3:21-22. This opened up topics about the law and grace. Why did God give us the law? How did Christ fulfill the law? Where do the law and grace fit in the church today?
In each class, the students were encouraged to really think about these questions and they asked several of their own. It's been really encouraging for me to see the wheels turning in their heads. I can see how God has really prepared me for this ministry in Haiti, by allowing me to go through two years of in-depth Bible training through New Tribes Bible Institute in Michigan, and also by providing me with so many opportunities to serve Him in my local church and youth group at home in Canada. I'd always been told that if I wanted to be a missionary, I needed to serve the Lord at home first, and I've really experienced the benefits of that, now that I'm here on the mission field.
So, wherever you are and wherever you plan on going, serve the Lord where you are and He'll take care of the rest of the details!
Hey Stacy!! It's Amanda de Wal, well Kirby now :)from New Tribes - remember me ? Wow it is so amazing to see where God has you! I stunmbled on your website while I was looking for a way to contact Kristy and Micah, I moved a while back and lost contact with her after my wedding. (Any help would be apprechiated.) I'll write more in your guest book......
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