Here is a picure of Zachery with one of his good friends. Zachery is also being adopted by a family in my church back home.

He's a really fun kid and enjoys going for walks. We went for one today and bought some 'patay'. It's like a deep-fried pastry with onions, tomatos and some kind of meat inside. Our patays had chopped up hot dogs in them. They're really good and it's the lady next door who sells them so they're nice and close by! We tend to buy them a lot because they're so good and so inexpensive... only about twenty cents American each!
Hey Stacey,
I just wanted to let you know that I check your site every day and I love reading your updates and seeing your pictures =-)It is such a neat country, eh? Keep up the good work and I'll keep praying, Love Dorinda
Hi Stacey,
This is a great photo of Zacary! Thanks!
Let us know what his friend's name is please, we would like to put some of these pictures up in his room for when he comes home.
Thanks for the updates we really appreciate them.
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