A Day out on the Town!

Then we wandered around a bit and ended up at Deli Kat. It's just a store, but it has air conditioning and really good ice cream. Beth and I split a pint of chocolate Haagan Daz ice cream. Boy was that ever good! :o) As we were sitting out front, eating our ice cream, our friends Candace and Leah walked by, so we hooked up with them for the rest of the day. We visited our vendor friends in Petionville, who are always very friendly and know us well, since we're there almost every weekend. We bought five hammocks, between the four of us, so everyone was pretty happy by the time we left to catch a taptap up to the mission. This was quite a big taptap and I counted 49 people inside, with more hanging off the side and on the roof. It was really hot in there, but very fun! Once we arrived at the Baptist Mission, we said hello to our vendor friends there and then we visited the mission zoo. We saw monkeys, snakes, a crocodile and lots of cool animals. We had lots of fun taking pictures and hanging out with the kids that followed us around the mission.
Then we went to eat lunch at the restaurant in the mission and ended up meeting an American and a Canadian police officer, who are in Haiti with the UN. We talked with them for quite awhile and then they offered us a ride home. Of course, we accepted and they even took us up to the lookout point to do some shopping before we went home. It was so much fun riding around Haiti in a UN vehicle! When we got back to GLA, everyone thought it was hilarious that the UN brought us home, but then we gave the officers a tour of GLA and they were really impressed and suprised they hadn't known we were here before. Both the officers were so nice and they said they thought it was so great to meet us and they were really impressed with what we were doing at GLA.
So, basically, we had a really fun day filled with lots of fun stories! Believe it or not, that's the short version!!!
Glad to see you are having such a break from your week. You earn it.
Dear Stacey,
Wow! How fun! You girls look like real pals.
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