Over 2,000 Visitors!

Wow! This blog has really taken off. When I started the blog, just before I came to Haiti, I really wasn't sure what would become of it. As it turns out, it's been quite a hit and to date there's been more than 2,000 visits to my blog!
It's turned out to be a really good way to keep people updated with what I'm doing here in Haiti, and I plan on continuing it when I get home... so keep reading!
Today was another really hot day here in Haiti. It seems to just be getting hotter every day. Today, I didn't even want to move, it was so hot! I just stayed up on that balcony and gave my kids baths. I think it was good for them to cool down a little. One thing's for sure, as much as I'm going to miss Haiti, it'll be kindof nice to be in a cooler climate when I go home!
It is raining here today. Last week we had two frosts & every one has been complaining and wishing for summer.
Bathing kids on the balcony sounds like a pretty good way to cool down in a place that doesn't have he water to use lawn sprinkler. I can picture you running through with a great big smile on your face.
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