Do you remember that orphanage in Kenskoff that I wrote about in my blog a couple weeks ago? It's a really poor orphanage that doesn't have much in the way of material possessions... not even the necessities. When we went to visit it a couple weeks ago, we all started thinking of what we could do to help out. I know that GLA is starting to help out some, and so is the adoption agency in Holland, but we wanted to see if we could do something too.

So this morning, we took a drive up to kenscoff and made a visit to the orphanage. We brought them a bunch of food, as well as some toys to play with, since they didn't have any toys there at all. It was such a blessing for us to be able to give out the food and toys! I also brought a crocheted afghan that my Pastor's wife, Anne, had made and sent with me to Haiti. She said I should give it to whomever the Lord lays it on my heart to give it. I brought it to this orphanage because they are so far up in the mountains, it gets really cold, and they don't have any way of keeping warm. You can see a little girl wrapping the blanket around herself in the first photo here. Of course, there's a big smile on her face!
In the second picture, I'm teaching a little girl how to play with the play-doh we brought for them. None of them seemed to know what it was and we had to show them and tell them that it's not food... so they shouldn't eat it! Haha! We had a really good time and it was so rewarding to be used by God to bless that orphanage today!
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