Piggy Back Rides!

This is me and Valinda on one of our walks. You know, it's funny, but kids are the same all over the world... it doesn't matter what language they speak. They all love to laugh... they all love to sing... and they all love piggy back rides!
Today was nice and relaxing. We went to church in Port au Prince, this morning, and I threw up on the way there. I've never had so much car sickness until I came to Haiti. I feel sick almost every time I get in the car here... but I've only actually thrown up a couple times, thank goodness. I remember, when I was at home, I used to complain about the roads in Detroit... well... I take back everything I ever said about those roads! There is always a good supply of barf bags in all our vehicles here, cuz I'm not the only one who gets sick! :o)
After church, we had lunch and then I went up to the nursery and brought down Hudson, a little boy who is being adopted by a family in Sarnia, Ontario. I had a lot of fun playing with him, cuz he's right at that age where he likes to try to imitate everything I do. I decided to try to give him some blueberry yogurt, which he had no interest in eating... I'm not sure if it's cuz he doesn't like blueberries or because he's not used to putting cold things in his mouth. Either way, he had a lot of fun playing with the spoon and the yogurt for at least a half an hour! Mind you, there was yogurt all over the table and the floor, by the time he was finished, but it was well worth all the enjoyment he got out of it!
I know a family who is going to be happy to hear about Hudson's experiment with blueberry yogurt.
This little girl look very little. How old is she?
Hey girly! very cute picture:) only 8 days till you come home!! crazy how fast time passes... it'll be nice to have you back for sure! Enjoy every minute of your last few days in Haiti!
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