A Mountain Miracle

I recently had a special opportunity to go on a hike through the mountains near Grand Goave, with a Haitian friend of mine and her little cousin. It was an amazing experience! Haiti is soo beautiful!!! I loved being able to climb up so high and then look down to see Grand Goave right next to the ocean.

I went with my friend and student, Judith. She took me to a piece of land that her mother owns on one of the mountains. On our way to her mother’s property, a man, with a machete, met us on the path. He was actually quite friendly… just wanted to know who we were and what we were doing in the area. When he discovered we were working with the mission, he asked us to come pray for him and his family.

We decided to take him up on his offer, and followed him through the corn field to his house made of mud walls and a tin roof. When we arrived, we greeted his pregnant wife and their five children. They invited us into their home, so we all gathered in there to pray. I shared the gospel with them, in Creol, and Judith gave her testimony. Then we prayed for them and they also prayed with us.
To be honest, I felt as though I was in shock about the whole thing. I’ve never before had a complete stranger approach me out of the blue and ask me to please come pray for him and his family. He admitted to needing God in his life. It’s a true testimony of what can happen in this country when a person just makes himself available to God’s leading. The doors for ministry are wide open!!!
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