Adjusting to Life in Canada

The picture that is posted here, is of me and my best friend Debora. This picture was taken last year at our church picnic, but I liked it so much I decided to show it anyways. Debora is getting married in three weeks and I will be a bridesmaid in her wedding, so this month is promising to fly by quickly, with all that I have to do. Already, every weekend in June is booked for me and I need to work as much as I can, so I'm thinking that I really won't have much free time at all! I am very blessed because some good friends of mine own the Forest Glenn Herb Farm, just down Lakeshore Road from here, and they are more than willing to have me help them out until camp starts in July.
Now, I would like to ask for your continued prayers for the Lord's direction for me this fall. As some of you know, I was planning on going to England to work for a year.... and it seems that the Lord is closing that door. However, I have written in a previous post about the ministry that I visited in the town of Grand Goave, in Haiti. Well, the people who run the mission have asked me if I would consider returning to Haiti to teach English. I told them that I would consider it, and I have prayed an awful lot and talked to my parents about it, and have decided to apply to the mission to return to Haiti in the fall for 8-9 months. I would like to ask for your prayers that if this is truly God's direction for me, that He would provide all the funding I would need to return to Haiti. It will cost me approximately $6,000. Canadian, for nine months. The organization that I would be working for is called Haiti ARISE and, as I mentioned before, it is a vocational school for the Haitian people. It is a Christian organization with good solid teaching. There is also a church that has been started by the mission, that I talked about in one of my previous blogs. It is a very strong church, with a fire and passion for God that I have not seen in many places. I am excited at the chance to return to Haiti and be a part of the mininstry of Haiti ARISE and I would like to ask you to consider being a part of this ministry with me, through your prayers and however else the Lord leads you. Also, please feel free to check out Haiti ARISE's website at
Thank you again for being such a huge part of what God is doing in my life. Your prayers are certainly appreciated!!!
WElcome home Stacey,
Hope to see you soon.
Wow Stacey, what an awesome opportunity! I will definitely be praying for you that you will really experience God's wisdom and direction for your future!
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